Hi in my cyber arts class we have to pick an old picture in this book and we have to describe Imitational, Formal, and Emotional qualities. It sounds boring but I have a lot to say.
I think this picture does imitate realism because obviously you can tell that there are people and the setting is in a living room of some sort maybe a wonderful palace with secret passages. The detail in the picture shows you that there are small children and a couple of adults grading the door way and designing cloths. The lighting on the picture is bright colors like white and yellowswhere the children are and gloomy colors in the back round, I think the girls are standing more in front of awindow to get the light colors and if they were standing more to the back of the room the picture would be more gloomy.
In this picture I think formalism is used in some cases very well and in others poorly. Using the principles of design I have judged this painting. The space in this picture is used well the negative and positive space are spread out through the painting witch emphasis the realism, on the other hand movement isn’t really used in this painting its very plain and my eyes aren’t directed all around the painting, they are just attacked to the little girl in the middle of the picture.
Well this is a very interesting painting because I don’t think that I have very many emotions towards it. My feeling towards this painting is I get bored looking at it there’s not really any emotion, maybe gloomy and depressed; it’s like when you’re a child and you flash back to when you had to stand there when your parents would want to dress you and made you stand there for a long time.